Every single day someone is starting a brand or business, working or collaborating with one or working towards doing one of the two - celebrities are now doing that more often than before. Bonang Matheba - a South African master of ceremonies, radio host and television broadcaster launched her Methode Cap Classique ( South African sparkling wines made in the traditional French method - method champenoise ) named BNG - I believed it would be a success and after 2 years it has proven me right. Here is why:
Bonang Matheba launches an MCC and forgets to invite me to the launch where all her celebrity friends and press got to to buy and taste it for the first time. We watched her in her much enjoyable reality show and an interest was sparked -how does it taste?. We knew it looked nice but how does the packaging also feel?. So then we wanted to buy it to decide on whether she had created what we want it so that she can… SAY IT WITH ME “ GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT! “
I know you did not miss it.
When starting a brand or business - make me feel like I want to give it a try. There’s many ways to go about this but specifically in the entertainment business she chose the correct route with perfect timing.
So now your people are interested in giving your good or service a try. How do I get it?. This used to be the hardest thing for parents and grandparents who were/are in business or wanted to get something they like. Walking or driving around, asking a million stores if they have what they are looking for etc. Bonang was fortunate to have cultivated a relationship with woolworths but you can try that OR go online. Believe me, when I started giving online an opportunity I realized people are willing to use it AND DON’T BE A FRAUD. SGEBENGU? NO MAAN. So back to it - More points to Bonang, she made the product accessible.
Side note: as an influencer, online businesses reminded me of my worth. ( we’ll come back to it. )
Bonang got branding right and leveraged on a hype she had created but here’s my big thing:
You know how people register businesses after realizing an opportunity but then just stop. They get tired and leave it, they forget they aspired to create the change ( sometimes it’s for more challenging reasons but we will delve on that on a different article ) Bonang does not. Girl does not stop.
I have struggled working as an influencer in South Africa because owners believe marketing is a one-time thing to do and drop. They get a magazine article, one influencer post and drop it because they have benefited customers so now everyone will just remain a loyal customer and continuously buy from them - NO.
Take it from Bonang - she made enough sales, has a huge following and still she organizes the events, gives the MCC press, tweets about it, contributes to the culture she cultivated because honestly as much as we believe in supporting South African businesses we have things to do. We might try and move on if you do not remind us - she knows it, I can tell. Many celebrities do two tweets and forget they have a product to work on, develop and market. I understand frustrations of running a business and getting disappointed when things do not go well but those five customers become ten if you do not stop. If you stop - you are smart… I know you get it.
If you want me to go deeper, let me know faves. For now - click on the next blog. Faves read remember that.
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